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Privacy Carat Boutique Hotel

Hotel in Budapest
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General Terms and Conditions (GTC)

  1. General Provisions

1.1. The General Hotel Contract Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as GTC) summarize the contractual content based on which HOTEL CARAT PLUSZ Limited Liability Company (short name: HOTEL CARAT PLUSZ Kft., registered office: 1061 Budapest, Király Street 6., tax number: 25588916-2-42, company registration number: 01-09-283868, hereinafter referred to as Service Provider) generally concludes accommodation contracts with its guests.

1.2. The GTC contain the terms for the use of the accommodations provided by the Service Provider and the related services offered by the Service Provider. This GTC applies to all accommodation-related services provided by the Service Provider to its guests, whether they are individuals, legal entities, or organizations without legal personality (hereinafter referred to as Guest).

1.3. Individual terms are not part of this GTC, but they do not preclude the conclusion of specific, special agreements with travel intermediaries, organizers, or other conditions applicable to specific businesses.

1.4. The Service Provider is entitled to modify this GTC. The modified GTC shall apply to requests for offers and contracts concluded after the effective date of the modification.

  1. Contracting Parties

2.1. The services provided by the Service Provider are used by the Guest. If the Guest places the order for services directly with the Service Provider, the Guest becomes the Contracting Party. The Service Provider and the Guest jointly, if the conditions are met, become the contracting parties (hereinafter referred to as the Parties).

2.2. If the order for services is placed by a third party (hereinafter referred to as Intermediary) on behalf of the Guest, the terms of cooperation are governed by the agreement between the Service Provider and the Intermediary. In this case, the Service Provider is not required to verify whether the third party legally represents the Guest.

  1. Method and Conditions of Service Usage

3.1. The Service Provider sends an offer in response to a request made by the Guest, either orally or in writing (via letter, online, fax, or email). If no written order accepting the offer is received within 48 hours of sending the offer, the Service Provider’s offer is no longer binding.

3.2. The contract is concluded exclusively upon the Service Provider’s written confirmation of the Guest’s written reservation, and it is considered a contract made in writing.

3.3. Oral reservations, agreements, modifications, or oral confirmations by the Service Provider are not considered binding contracts.

3.4. **Accommodation Use**

3.5. If the Guest leaves the room permanently before the agreed period expires, the Service Provider is entitled to the full fee for the service stipulated in the contract. The Service Provider has the right to re-sell the room vacated before the expiration of the period.

3.6. The Guest must obtain the prior consent of the Service Provider to extend the accommodation service. In such cases, the Service Provider may require the payment of the fees for services already rendered.

3.7. Guests must verify their identity in accordance with legal regulations before occupying the room. No one is allowed to stay in the hotel without registration.

3.8. Any modification and/or supplementation of the contract requires a written agreement signed by both Parties.

  1. Start and End of Accommodation (Check-in and Check-out)

4.1. The Guest has the right to occupy the rented accommodation from 3:00 PM on the agreed day.

4.2. If the Guest does not arrive by 12:00 AM on the agreed date, the Service Provider has the right to withdraw from the contract, unless a later arrival time has been agreed upon.

4.3. If the Guest has paid a deposit, the room(s) will be held until 11:00 AM on the following day at the latest.

4.4. The Guest must vacate the room by 11:00 AM on the day of departure.

  1. Possible Extension of Accommodation

5.1. The extension of the Guest’s stay requires the prior consent of the Service Provider.

5.2. If the Guest does not vacate their room by 11:30 AM on the day indicated as the departure date at check-in, and the Service Provider has not given prior consent to the extension of the stay, the Service Provider is entitled to charge the room rate for an additional day, and simultaneously, the Service Provider’s obligation to provide services ceases.

  1. Prices

6.1. The current room rates and the prices of other services are displayed on the hotel’s website, in the hotel rooms, and/or at the hotel’s reception. In the event of any discrepancies between these sources, the prices on the website shall prevail.

6.2. The Service Provider may change its advertised prices freely without prior notice.

6.3. When announcing prices, the Service Provider indicates the VAT rate applicable at the time of the offer, as regulated by law. The Service Provider reserves the right to pass on any additional costs due to changes in the current VAT law.

6.4. Guests can always obtain information about service prices at the hotel’s reception before the service begins.

  1. Offers and Discounts

7.1. The current offers and discounts are advertised on the hotel’s website. The advertised discounts always apply to individual room reservations.

7.2. The advertised discounts cannot be combined with any other discounts.

  1. Child Discounts

8.1. The Service Provider offers a discount for guests arriving with children, up to the age of 6. The specific discount is displayed on the Service Provider’s website and amounts to 100%.

8.2. A baby cot is available only in certain room types, and the Service Provider provides it free of charge. No extra beds can be provided.

8.3. Prior arrangement with the Service Provider is required for the placement of a baby cot.

  1. Cancellation Terms and Deposit Rules

– Non-refundable Condition: 

9.1. If the ordered service is under a non-refundable condition, the Guest must pay a deposit to the Service Provider.

9.2. Under this condition, unless otherwise agreed in a specific contract, the booking cannot be canceled or modified, and the full amount confirmed at the time of booking must be paid as a deposit.

9.3. Under this condition, 100% of the amount paid as a deposit or the cost of the first night is non-refundable. The Service Provider reserves the right to decide in this regard.

-Free Cancellation Condition: 

9.4. No deposit is required under a free cancellation condition.

9.5. Under this condition, the services ordered can be canceled without a penalty up to 48 hours before arrival. If the cancellation is made less than 48 hours before arrival, the Guest must pay 100% of the confirmed amount or the cost of the first night. The Service Provider reserves the right to decide.

9.6. The cancellation terms apply to individual bookings, while group bookings, events, and conferences are subject to the specific terms outlined in the contract, which depend on the group size.

9.7. In the case of special and promotional offers, the cancellation terms are governed by the conditions stated in the confirmation. The Service Provider reserves the right to set different terms in individual contracts for bookings related to special conditions, such as promotional offers, group travel, or events.

9.8. There is no possibility of a refund for services booked but not used by the Guest during their stay.

  1. Payment Method and Guarantee

10.1. The cost of the ordered services can be paid on-site in cash (in Hungarian Forints or Euros), by a bank card accepted by the Service Provider (VISA, Mastercard), by bank transfer, or through online payment methods.

10.2. In the case of a bank transfer, unless otherwise agreed with the Service Provider, the Guest must transfer the payment to the hotel’s bank account before the indicated arrival date, ensuring that the amount is credited to the hotel’s bank account by the arrival date, or the Guest must provide an irrevocable statement from their bank confirming the transfer.

10.3. The Service Provider may require a credit card guarantee or deposit for part or the entire amount payable to guarantee the use of services and the settlement of payment as per the Contract.

10.4. Other on-site payment methods include OTP, MKB, and K&H Széchenyi Recreation Cards.

10.5. The Contracting Party primarily settles their invoice in HUF; however, the Service Provider also accepts EUR for payment. If payment is made in EUR, any change due will also be settled in EUR.

10.6. Any costs related to the chosen payment method will be borne by the Contracting Party, including charges on their SZÉP card or credit card.

10.7. The Guest may settle their room account for services used during their stay at the hotel reception, where the Service Provider’s staff will prepare the invoice in accordance with applicable invoicing regulations.

  1. Pets

11.1. Bringing animals onto the hotel premises is strictly prohibited.

  1. Refusal of Contract Fulfillment and Termination of Service Obligation

12.1. The Service Provider is entitled to terminate the accommodation contract with immediate effect and refuse to provide further services (other than those already provided) if:

  1. a) The Guest does not use the room or the facility provided to them properly or damages the facility or any of its equipment or furnishings in any way;
  2. b) The Guest does not comply with the Service Provider’s safety regulations or rules;
  3. c) The Guest behaves in an objectionable and/or aggressive manner towards the Service Provider’s staff, other guests, or individuals, or exhibits disruptive, offensive, or threatening behavior;
  4. d) The Guest, under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs, behaves in a threatening, offensive, or disruptive manner;
  5. e) The Guest engages in behavior that is likely to offend others;
  6. f) The Guest suffers from an infectious disease.

12.2. If the Service Provider exercises its right to terminate the contract immediately for any of the above reasons, the Guest must leave the hotel within 2 hours of receiving notification of the immediate termination and pay for all services confirmed in the reservation. If the reservation involves multiple guests, the termination may apply only to the specific guest, and other guests may continue using the hotel’s services. If the remaining guests do not wish to continue using the services, the conditions outlined in point 4.6 will apply.

  1. Rights of the Contracting Party

13.1. Under the contract, the Guest is entitled to use the reserved room and any facilities of the accommodation that are part of the usual range of services and not subject to special conditions.

13.2. The Guest may file a complaint regarding the services provided by the Service Provider during their stay. The Service Provider is obliged to address any complaint received in writing during this period (or recorded in an official report).

13.3. The Guest’s right to file a complaint ceases after their departure from the accommodation.

  1. Guest Illness or Death

14.1. If the Guest becomes ill during their stay and is unable to act on their own behalf, the Service Provider will offer medical assistance.

14.2. In the event of the Guest’s illness or death, the Service Provider is entitled to claim reimbursement from the Guest’s relatives, heirs, or the payer of the invoice for any medical or procedural costs, as well as the costs of services used before the illness or death, and any damages to equipment or furnishings resulting from the illness or death.

  1. Guest Rights

15.1. Under the contract, the Guest is entitled to use the reserved room and the hotel’s facilities within the usual scope of services, provided they are not subject to special conditions.

15.2. The Guest may file a complaint during their stay regarding the services provided by the Service Provider. The Service Provider is obligated to address any complaint received in writing or recorded in an official report during this period.

15.3. The right to file a complaint ends after the Guest leaves the accommodation. No compensation claims can be submitted after departure.

  1. Guest Obligations

16.1. The Guest/Contracting Party is obliged to settle the payment for the services ordered by the time and in the manner specified in the contract.

16.2. The Guest ensures that any children under 14 years of age under their responsibility are supervised by an adult during their stay at the hotel.

16.3. The Guest must report any damages they have suffered to the hotel reception immediately and provide all necessary information for clarifying the circumstances or for any potential legal procedures.

16.4. The Guest is fully materially and morally responsible for any damage caused to the Service Provider’s equipment or furnishings.

16.5. It is forbidden to remove or relocate furniture or equipment from the rooms or the building.

16.6. Guests are not allowed to bring their own food or drinks into the hotel, and must comply with the restaurant rules at all times.

16.7. Smoking is prohibited in enclosed areas of the hotel, including guest rooms, in accordance with Act XLII of 1999 on the Protection of Non-Smokers. The hotel has placed signage where required by law to remind guests of this obligation. Hotel staff are authorized to remind guests or anyone on the premises to comply with this regulation or to cease any illegal behavior. Guests and anyone on the premises must comply with the law and any warnings issued.

16.8. In case of fire or any perceived danger, the Guest must immediately notify the reception.

  1. Guest Liability for Damages

17.1. The Guest is responsible for all damages or losses suffered by the Service Provider or third parties due to the actions of the Guest, their companions, or any other individuals under their responsibility. The Guest is liable for paying the damages they caused to the Service Provider. This liability exists even if the injured party is entitled to seek compensation directly from the Service Provider.

17.2. The obligation to compensate extends to damages caused to property throughout the entire premises.

  1. Rights of the Service Provider

18.1. If the Guest fails to pay for the services they have used or reserved but not used, the Service Provider is entitled to a lien on the Guest’s personal belongings brought into the hotel to secure their claim.

18.2. The hotel’s security personnel have the right to check guests entering and leaving the premises.

18.3. For property and accident protection reasons, the hotel is equipped with security cameras. By entering the hotel, the Guest consents to being recorded. The recordings are stored by the electronic system in accordance with legal regulations and will be automatically deleted after a set period.

18.4. The security personnel who oversee the premises are authorized to verify the identity of guests entering and leaving, and in justified cases, inspect vehicles upon departure.


  1. Obligations of the Service Provider

19.1. The Service Provider is obliged to:

  1. a) Provide the accommodation and other services ordered under the contract in accordance with the applicable regulations and service standards;
  2. b) Investigate the Guest’s written complaint and take the necessary steps to address the issue, which must also be recorded in writing.

  1. Liability of the Service Provider

20.1. The Guest visits the hotel’s facilities and uses its services and programs at their own risk.

20.2. The Service Provider is responsible for any damage suffered by the Guest within the hotel premises if it is caused by the fault of the hotel or its employees.

20.3. The Service Provider’s liability does not extend to events caused by reasons beyond the control of the hotel or its employees, or damage caused by the Guest themselves.

20.4. The Service Provider is not liable for accidents resulting from improper or careless use of the fitness and sauna facilities, which are used at the Guest’s own risk.

20.5. The Guest must report any damage suffered immediately to the hotel and provide all necessary information to clarify the circumstances of the damage.

20.6. The Service Provider is only responsible for valuables, securities, and cash if they have been explicitly accepted for safekeeping.

20.7. The Service Provider is not responsible for personal belongings left in common areas or rooms (including items stored in the room safe).

20.8. The Service Provider offers discounted parking for hotel guests in a nearby partner garage.

20.9. For parking services, guests must inquire directly with the Service Provider about the current discounts and prepay the parking fee at the hotel reception. The hotel provides proof of payment, which is forwarded to the parking garage.

20.10. The Service Provider excludes liability for any damage to vehicles parked in the garage, including theft or damage caused by natural events. Guests must follow traffic regulations within the parking area.

  1. Accommodation Guarantee

21.1. If the Service Provider is unable to provide the contracted services due to its own fault (e.g., overbooking, temporary operational issues), it must arrange alternative accommodation for the Guest immediately.

21.2. The Service Provider must provide the contracted services at the confirmed price and for the agreed duration—or until the issue is resolved—at another accommodation of the same or higher category. The Service Provider bears all additional costs of the substitute accommodation. If the Service Provider fulfills these obligations, or the Guest accepts the alternative accommodation, the Guest may not claim compensation afterward.

  1. Confidentiality

22.1. The Service Provider is obligated to protect personal data in accordance with Act LXIII of 1992 on the Protection of Personal Data and the Publicity of Data of Public Interest and other relevant data protection laws, as well as any internal regulations communicated by the Contracting Party.

  1. Force Majeure

23.1. Any cause or circumstance (e.g., war, fire, flood, adverse weather, power shortage, strike) beyond the control of either party (force majeure) releases both parties from their contractual obligations for the duration of such cause or circumstance. The parties agree to do everything in their power to minimize the possibility and impact of such events and to remedy any resulting damage or delay as soon as possible.

  1. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

24.1. The legal relationship between the Service Provider and the Contracting Party is governed by Hungarian law, specifically the provisions of the Civil Code. Any legal disputes arising from the service contract shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the court with competence over the location of the Service Provider’s headquarters.

  1. Privacy Policy

25.1. The Service Provider places great importance on the protection of personal data. All personal data provided is handled in compliance with applicable laws, ensuring its security and implementing the necessary technical and organizational measures to meet legal requirements.

25.2. The Service Provider uses user data in accordance with data protection laws for contract execution, billing, and its own advertising purposes (if the guest has given consent).

25.3. By entering into the accommodation service contract, the Guest acknowledges that they have read and understood these terms and conditions and agrees to them. The GTC may be amended at a later date, and any changes will be posted on the hotel’s website and made available at the reception.

  1. Miscellaneous Provisions
  2. These general terms and conditions take effect on June 1, 2024. Their provisions must be applied together with the rules of individual contracts.